Friday, May 07, 2010

How To Inject Phones (CDMA)

Telecommunications in Indonesia is growing up very fast. All of telecommunication operator is competition against each other. The PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel), PT Telekomunikasi (Telkom), PT Mobile-8 Telecom, PT Bakrie Telecom, PT Sinarmas , PT HCPT, PT. Sampoerna Telecom, PT Excel Axiata, PT Natrindo Selular (NTS) are telecommunication operator in Indonesia. Every operator has been one or more Sim Card (Starter Packs).

1. PT. Telkomsel has Simpati and As
2. PT. Telkom has Flexi
3. PT. Mobile-8 has Fren and Hepi
4. PT. Bakrie Telecom has Esia
5. PT. Sinarmas Telecom has Smart
6. PT. NTS has Axis
7. PT Sampoerna Telecomunication has Ceria
8. PT. HCPT has 3 (Three)

They are used strategy to getting new subscribers or old with phone bundling promo which is the MSISDN saved in a phone. This way is called Inject and usually used by CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) phones. It is very hardly ever in GSM (Global Standard for Mobile Communications) phones. You might ask yourself what is the differentiate between “Inject” and “non-Inject” (RUIM). Previously, I’ll give explanation concerning Inject, for your information in your phones have codes that identification or subscribers identity. The codes are show below:
1. MSISDN (Mobile Subscriber – International Standard Dialing Number).
This is an our phone number as you known. E.g. 0888185xxxx
2. MCC (Mobile Country Code)
This is a country code network. In Indonesia MCC is 510
3. MNC (Mobile Network Code)
This is the operators code network. For example Mobile-8 network is 28.
4. MIN (Mobile Identification Number)
This is a subscriber number or identity that machine know. (Telephone Network)
5. IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identifier)
This is a combine MCC-MNC-MIN. E.g. 510289921xxxxxx is Mobile-8 IMSI number.
6. SID (Service ID)
This is an Operator ID. E.g. 10530 for Mobile-8
7. A-key (authentication Key)
This is an authentication code. It likes MIN (point 4) is our user id and A-key is our password.
8. ESN (Electronic Serial Number)
This is an our serial phone code (Inject phones) or a RUIM serial code (RUIM phones).
9. Checksum
This is result of calculation or encryption between A-key and ESN.

The most important are MIN, A-Key, ESN and checksum because 4 codes are our identities and everybody have differenced codes. For the other codes (MCC, MNC, etc ), they are operator codes. So the codes are same if they have same operator. For your information, the differentiate of Inject phone and RUIM (simcard) are the codes of identities saved in the phone.

The codes of RUIM phones all of identities be saved in simcard when it was made. So we do not hard to get set the NAM (the terminology for Inject) because all of codes was saved in simcard. Otherwise we should injecting all codes identity (write down) to our phones. Hot to do this ? let’s see the points below.

1. Input the secret codes to entering NAM programming menus. (it’s depend on phones type)
2. If there need SPC (Service Programming Codes) then input the SPC code. It is same with point 1, it is depends on phones type too.

If you need more info about codes that compatible phones with please search by J. After we had succeed with point 1 and 2, it will be very simple as easy as write down a form. We only fill up MIN, A-Key and Checksum on phones. Be sides that you should fill up the SID, MCC and MNC. Reset the phone and hurray we had succeed inject. Don’t forget we need configure inject in 2 sides (operator and phone). For operator side we need updating the ESN in HLR (Home Location Register) use a ESN our phones.

Good luck……. J